Just moved.
So as things are put into place they are being evaluated, to be placed on shelf etc or long time storage (The local recycle place).
I have alot of PCB's with just one or two components on that i might could use some other time.
So this evning some time was spent on desoldering some of these components to be able to discard the rest of the PCB.
A 150W gutter soldering irong works, though not for relays and things that size.
What I mainly has harvested has been switches, high voltage caps 3.5 mm female jacks.
Also got a couple of shelfs put together for a place for some of my instruments.
The main idea .. more room for usable "stuff" and get rid of the rest.
.. easy said .. hard to do ..
mail/thunderbird-esr: update to 128.9.0 (rc3)
2 hours ago
That is awesome that you are doing what your loving wife asked you to do:)